Painting in the ruins
I've been painting animals in this falling-down house in the forest. It feels like an Aztec temple with jungle trees growing inside the house. I always find something so reassuring about situations where nature takes back over when humans have gone away.
En ce moment je peins des animaux dans la maison en ruines en plein milieu des bois. Il y a une ambience de temple Aztec avec des arbres qui poussent dans la maison. Je trouve toujours si rassurant les situations où la nature reprend le dessus après le depart des humains.
The Mayor's Show
"One End of the Earth"
During the January Pushpin Show at the Newport Visual Arts Center, a handful of the exhibiting artists are chosen to present a larger selection of their work for the Mayor's Show in February. I was honored to participate this year!
Pendant l'expo Pushpin Show en janvier au Visual Arts Center, une poignée des artistes exposant sont choisis pour présenter une selection plus large de leur travail pour l'expo du Mayor's Show en fevrier. J'ai l'honneur de participer cette année !
"Houseplant, Houseguest"
"La Pause"
"Thursday Night, 10 p.m."
"Prince of Ping Pong"
"The Dandelion Salad"
Mama in the Moon
My entry to the Pushpin Show this year...
For January every year, the main gallery at the Newport Visual Arts Center fills with the art of anyone who would like to participate. Participants in the PushPin & ClothesLine Show must be able to hang their work "with four or fewer push pins or three or fewer clothes pins."
Art Care
The hospitals in Newport and Lincoln City, OR have a magnificent program of healing through art. Part of that program is the installation of paintings, drawings, photos and sculptures by local artists, mostly around a nature theme. A huge, successful leap from the scary sterile white environment you may imagine. The halls are beautiful! They are opening two new wings of the renovated hospital soon, and here are my art proposals. For me, "nature" means "nature conservation," or even "activism" !
"Looking Out, Looking Down"
(This is the piece that was selected for display in the hospital!)
Modern research on forest ecosystems has allowed biologists to translate what we collectively knew from the beginning: individuals and groups of plants, animals, and fungi help and communicate with each other in space and across time in an infinitely intricate society some call sentient. "The forest is like many nations living side by side in peace." If after disturbing the peace, we look down in shame, may our gaze continue to land on mossy wonders. We cannot imagine the human nation separate from all the others; we are inside nature, looking up...
Here are my three other proposals. Maybe next time!!
"Kelp Forest with Neither Wolf nor Eel"
Occasionally donning a wetsuit to enter into the otherworld beyond the tidepool portal, I get carried away by a breathless sense of play and wonder. I am infinitely awed by the immense beauty and fragility so close underneath the surface.
"Dame Lulu Gathering Yarrow"
As an adult I have learned of the medicinal (and culinary) personalities of the familiar plants around me, and gained a respect for their power to heal on many levels. This scene depicts an herbalist gathering yarrow (while being observed.)
"Marbled Murrelet: Water Salute"
"Marbled Murrelet, you are brown, chubby, and discreet. Also perseverant, scrupulous, and bold. With zero practice, one day you decided you were ready, leapt from your nest and flew out to the Pacific Ocean. Thank you, little hero, for saving the big trees before you go. Bon vent..."
Notre ami Guillaume Zemor a mis en ligne son nouveau site, proposant des massages thai, yoga, tinctures de bourgeons, randonnées guidées en Ardèche, ... le tout presenté accompagné des illustrations de Julie, si vous voulez y faire un tour !
Our friend Guillaume Zemor has put his new website online, proposing thai massage, yoga, plant bud tinctures, nature walks in Ardèche ... all these activities illustrated on the website by Julie's drawings, if you'd like to go take a look!
Le clip du pastoralisme
It was a real pleasure to create this 2nd film clip with the team from Hélio Films... especially during 2020 when working with others became even more precious. Commissioned, like the Patou clip, by the Bauges Regional Park and the Haute-Savoie Alpine Economic Society, this film gives a wider message about the history and importance of animal herding.
Bravo to Bérangère (director/screenwriter,) Yann (voice/screenwriter,) Laurent (animation,) and Thibaud (sound design)! Enjoy!
C'était un plaisir de créer ce deuxième clip d'animation avec l'équipe de Hélio Films ... surtout pendant l'année 2020 quand le travail en équipe devint d'autant plus précieux. Comme le film du Patou, ce film était une commande du Parc naturel régionale du massif des Bauges et des societés d'économie alpestre. Le film fait un point sur l'histoire de la pastoralisme et son importance.
Bravo à Bérangère (directrice, scénario,) Yann (voix-off, scénario,) Laurent (animation,) et Thibaud (son.) Bonne visionnage !
A momentous (and hilarious) step in the creation process: recording the final voice track in Thibaud's studio
Un grand (et très drôle) moment : l'enregistrement final du voix-off dans le studio de Thibaud
Le Clip du Patou
Après de longs mois de dessin de moutons, d'herbe et de montagnes ...
Voici la version finale de notre film sur les chiens de protection de troupeau ! Nous avons travaillé sur commande du Parc naturel régionale du massif des Bauges et des societés d'économie alpestre, dans un effort d'attentuer les tensions autour du retour des predateurs et éduquer le publique. Un deuxième film a été commandé par les mêmes clients, que vous pouvez attendre dans quelques mois encore.
C'était un grand plaisir de travailler avec l'équipe de Hélio Films. Merci Bérangère (directrice, scénario,) Yann (voix-off, scénario,) Laurent (animation,) et Thibaud (son.)
Here are a few 'research' images :
Get your hug at the Snug
My contribution to Jeff's Historical Buildings of Lincoln County drawing challenge.
Ma participation au défi de Jeff de dessiner des bâtiments historiques de Lincoln County, Oregon, USA.
Panneau de découpe
Carte de visite de Zed
Vision 2020
Newport murals and Julie in the press!
Cats and Dogs
This mural decorates the south side of the new location of the Pick of the Litter thrift store, a nonprofit whose proceeds go to fund the local Humane Society and other efforts to assist domesticated animals in Lincoln County. Its design is to catch the eye of potential shoppers traveling on nearby Highway 20.
Their request for "colorful" and "a cats and dogs theme" inspired this mural of pets playing with bullwhip kelp and a hermit crab.
A local passing by commented, "Hey! That looks like my dog! Not the same color, though."
"Cats and Dogs", acrylic and spray paint, 2019.
Cette peinture mural appelle les passants sur la route adjacent à venir faire des achats